Thursday, May 19, 2011

The latest...

Dearest Friends,

I know it has been a while since I wrote to all of you but I am excited to share how the Lord has been moving in my life recently.

In my last update I wrote,

“I am in hopeful anticipation about this time in my life. Although so many things are uncertain and that can be scary at times, I know the Lord is going to refine me SO much. I have always had a plan, and now it is time for me to surrender my plans completely to Him.”

The Lord has led me in a direction I never would have imagined the last time I wrote to you. Around the beginning of April, God began laying a desire to be back in my hometown so heavily on my heart. Needless to say, I fought it with everything in me. I love my hometown and I love my family and have missed them terribly over the past few years that I have been away, but for some reason I never imagined that the Lord would see fit to lead me back here.

I also questioned why the Lord would lead me back here at this time in my life. Things were going incredibly well at Biltmore Baptist and I absolutely loved serving there. I was also relatively sure that it was His desire for me to attend Graduate school starting this summer. But after trying to pray my way out of and escape the desire for home He had placed in my heart, I decided to vocalize what I had been feeling. I shared my heart with those I was involved in ministry with at Biltmore and they were, of course, incredibly supportive. I also began seeing why He had me there and the incredible leaders He had given me the opportunity to invest in that were ready to take what the Lord was starting and run with it. Lastly, I prayed as I attended orientation for Graduate school that the Lord would give me clarity like I had never known before about whether or not He wanted me there… and He did. From the moment I walked on campus, as much as I have missed it, I just knew in my soul that it wasn’t right. Right then, I decided that I would stop fighting and choose to trust. That week I moved home and when my parents asked me when I would be going back, I said… “I’m not.” They didn’t believe me at first, but when it actually sank in they were so grateful to have me home. J

It’s been a roller coaster ride since I’ve been home… but a good one. God has given me some direction for ministry – which includes starting a young adult “gathering” in my community – and I believe He is leading me into a wonderful church community as well.

I have been tirelessly searching for jobs since I have been home and God has yet to open a door. The words from my last update ring true and it is time to surrender my plans completely to Him. Finances, honestly, are extremely … extremely tight and I have no idea how the Lord is going to provide, but I know that He will. Please pray that a door will open soon and if any of you know of any available opportunities I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know!

I have never been in a position like this before, but I know that God is at work. I can’t wait to write to you and let you know of how miraculously He has orchestrated my circumstances and placed me somewhere better than I could have imagined and where I can serve Him with everything in me. I have been studying the book of Ruth lately and God has used it to speak so much truth into my heart.  Just when Naomi thought that God had taken everything from her… He was just getting started and putting into motion His plan of provision and blessing.

Stay tuned…

In Him,

1 comment:

M and N Turner said...

Thank you for sharing your struggles. It's encouraging to hear a fellow sister in Christ trusting in the Lord to guide her steps. I have been struggling with what to do next, graduate school or start a family and then I realized, God is way bigger than my wrong steps or my decisions. If we step where we feel the Holy Spirit is leading us then God will lead us else where or make our plans fail IF they're not in His will. So happy to hear that that was the case for you. Keep blogging!